Resources for NZCT gaming room operators

Harm prevention and minimisation training

The Gambling (Harm Prevention and Minimisation) Amendment Regulations 2023 came fully into effect from 1 December 2023, imposing new requirements on operators and gaming venue supervising staff.

New harm minimisation training requirements applying from 1 September require that training must now include practical and interactive sessions on how to interact with players, information on why gaming machines can be addictive, and first-hand accounts from problem gamblers. The training must be provided to venue staff before they start supervising the gamblers (induction training is required for new staff). Refresher training must be provided annually.

The new training provided by NZCT meets the new requirements. Please contact your NZCT liaison if you have new staff to ensure they receive the required training before they begin supervising the gaming room.

The new regulatory requirements are summarised below:

Summary of New Harm Minimisation Regulations November 2023.pdf pdf
Uploaded Nov. 29, 2023, 11:05 p.m. 216.7 KB
Policy and training manual

NZCT is required to have a policy for identifying problem gamblers.

See also NZCT’s Harm Prevention and Minimisation Manual to guide venues supervising staff.

Harm Minimisation Policy - Sept 23 pdf
Uploaded Sept. 12, 2023, 3:02 a.m. 117.8 KB
Harm Minimisation Manual - Sept 2023 pdf
Uploaded May 7, 2023, 8:37 p.m. 434.7 KB
Resources for venues

Below is a copy of NZCT's 'Gambling Host Responsibility Record Sheet' that is available in all venues. If you need a new pad, ask your NZCT liaison person.

NZCT Host Responsibility Record Sheet pdf
Uploaded June 6, 2023, 9:18 p.m. 116.5 KB

See also below the 'Sweep Analysis' booklet for recording all matters required to be recorded under the new regulatory requirements.

NZCT Venue Sweep Analysis Full Book.pdf pdf
Uploaded Nov. 30, 2023, 12:13 a.m. 996.7 KB

Operating gaming machines when the sale of alcohol is restricted

The flowchart below shows when you can operate gaming machines during periods when the sale of alcohol is restricted, such as Easter and Christmas.

Easter trading flowchart jpg
Uploaded June 25, 2021, 2:20 a.m. 1.1 MB

Class 4 Game Rules 2022

The Gambling Act (Class 4) Game Rules 2022, are made pursuant to section 367 of the Gambling Act and are additional to any requirements prescribed under the Act, any regulations under the Act and minimum standards for gambling equipment prescribed under section 327 of the Act.

A breach of these rules may amount to an offence under section 19 of the Act.

The following Game Rules need to be noted in particular:

You can only play one machine at a time, Game Rule 4.2

You can't make, induce or intimidate any player to vacate a gaming machine, Game Rule 4.3

You can not engage in syndicated play with any other player or players. Game Rules 2022, Game Rule 4.3

You can't solicit or induce any player to take part any player to take part in syndicated play arrangments, Game Rule 4.3

In addition to the 'Game Rules' poster there are the 'Apply On Line for a Grant' and 'Under R18' posters. These posters as well as the 'Game Rules' must be displayed at all venues

NZCT_A4Poster_GameRules_V2.pdf pdf
Uploaded July 11, 2023, 2:30 a.m. 65.8 KB
Apply On Line for a Grant pdf
Uploaded July 11, 2023, 2:34 a.m. 698.5 KB
Under 18 pdf
Uploaded July 11, 2023, 2:36 a.m. 76.8 KB
Class 4 sector key messages

These four key messages about class 4 gambling can be used when anyone asks you about having gaming machines as part of your venue's entertainment offering.

Class 4 sector key messages docx
Uploaded June 25, 2021, 2:07 a.m. 38.4 KB