What would you like to know?


Applying for a grant
What is NZCT’s purpose?

NZCT raises funds through responsible gaming partnerships with our hospitality venues. We award grants for a wide range of community services, including sports, rescue services, youth development, the Arts, and cultural activities.

We generally distribute funds to the area where they were raised. We understand many charitable and sporting organisations operate in zones that are broader than a single territorial authority area, so we think it's appropriate that funds raised within a region are distributed throughout that region.

We also fund national organisations, like Special Olympics and the Secondary Schools Sports Council, that offer benefits to the wider community.

Can my organisation apply for an NZCT grant?

If we have gaming machines generating funds in your community, then we are likely to have funds available for distribution. See if there is an NZCT venue in your area. 

Applicants should be incorporated entities and eligible for a New Zealand Business Number (NZBN) in their own right, e.g. registered under the Charitable Trust Act; Incorporated Societies Act; or, in some circumstances, not-for-profit organisations registered under the Companies Act. Registration under the Charities Act is optional but does not confirm incorporation status.

Generally, NZCT prefers to consider support for organisations that have been legally constituted for at least one complete financial year.

What types of groups receive NZCT funding?

NZCT awards grants for a wide range of community services, including sports, rescue services, youth development, the Arts, and cultural activities. We also fund a range of charitable causes in the areas of health, rescue services, education, arts, culture, heritage and the environment.

Can we use a professional fundraiser?

A professional fundraiser may be used by your organisation, but they must be paid a flat fee or hourly rate which is paid irrespective of the outcome of your grant application. If you have another remuneration arrangement with your fundraiser, you must disclose this to us. You must not use any portion of grant funding received to pay a commission or success fee to the fundraiser. All (100%) of any grant you receive must be used for the purpose authorised by NZCT. 

What if there are no NZCT venues in my area?

NZCT funds are generally returned to the areas from which they were raised. If there are no NZCT gaming rooms in your area, it is unlikely that we will be able to support your application. A list of other gaming societies in New Zealand (and maybe your area) that do operate in your area can be found on the Department of Internal Affairs website.

What if I need help submitting my online grant application?

If you need help submitting an online application, call the NZCT grants team on 0800 44 69 28 between 8am and 5pm on weekdays and we’ll be able to help you through the process.

How often are NZCT’s grants criteria reviewed?

The Gambling Act 2003 requires us to annually review the criteria, methods, systems and policies we use for distributing our net proceeds. 

To find out more about our criteria for specific grant purposes, visit the grants criteria page.

Timelines and process
When should applications be submitted?

NZCT receives applications throughout the year and we generally meet monthly to consider applications.

There are no deadlines, but you should submit your application at least 10 weeks before you need to use any resulting funds as we can’t reimburse you for money you’ve already spent.

Once your application is complete and processed, we’ll consider it at the next available meeting.

Who considers my application?

NZCT has two Net Proceed Committees (NPCs). Generally, NPC1 considers larger applications and meets monthly. NPC1 consists of NZCT trustees. NPC2 only considers smaller applications and consists of NZCT senior managers, who are key persons. NPC2 typically meets fortnightly.

What does NZCT take into consideration when making grants?

We generally prefer not to fund an organisation's standard operating costs, like rent or power bills. Ideally, grant applications should be made for activities or buying items that would not be possible without additional grant funding.

Our NPC will consider the outcomes expected from the grant funding and will want to know how these outcomes are measured. It will also want to know if the grant is going towards your organisation's main priorities – we will generally be more inclined to fund 'must haves' rather than 'nice to haves'.

In considering your application, we look at the other activities your organisation is doing to meet its financial targets. We also look at how your organisation is making a positive difference in your local community.

The Gambling Act prohibits the people who work at, or have a significant interest in, our gaming venues from being involved in the grant applications we process, for example, as an executive member of the applicant organisation who has had hands-on involvement in the grant application. To comply with the Act, NZCT checks and automatically declines all grant applications that suggest a substantive conflict between venues and applicants. 

All requests must be for future spending, not for expenditure already incurred, i.e. you must confirm your grant application has been approved before spending any funds, otherwise they will be deemed to be retrospective and will have to be refunded.

  • We will not fund things that have already been funded by another source.
  • Grants will not be made to individuals, to closed groups where membership is discretionary or for private (rather than public) purposes.
  • Funds must be spent specifically for the purpose(s) approved by NZCT. These purposes must be of direct and immediate benefit to your organisation.
  • The grant purposes must comply with the Gambling Act 2003, Gambling (Class 4 Net Proceeds) Regulations 2004 and NZCT's licence conditions.
  • We do not fund fundraisers.
  • We do not fund activities that support political candidates or parties.
What happens to my application?

Your application will be checked by an NZCT grants officer for completeness and to ensure it complies with regulatory requirements, NZCT’s licence conditions and grants criteria. If any information is missing, they will contact you. We recommend you submit your application at least 10 weeks before you need any resulting funds.

Once your application is complete, we will include it in the next available application cycle. It will be forwarded to the appropriate NZCT Regional Advisory Committee (RAC) for discussion and review. Their recommendations are then forwarded to NZCT’s Net Proceeds Committee for consideration and a final decision.  Following the decision, we will let you know by email what the result is. You can view the application’s progress in our Fluxx Grants Portal.

How long will it take for a decision?

That depends on a number of factors, including how quickly you respond to our requests for additional or missing information and documents, and how many other applications are ahead of yours in the queue. If your application is likely to be time sensitive, make sure you apply at least 10 weeks ahead of when you would need a decision.

How will we know if our application has been successful?

You can check the status of your grant application through our online Fluxx Grants Portal. Grant decisions will be published on the Portal within three to five days after the relevant Net Proceeds Committee meeting and you will receive an email with the decision. If your grant is approved, you will also receive a confirmation email once the funds have been deposited into your back account. If your grant is declined, we will tell you why.

After your grant is approved
Do we have to spend the money with the supplier whose quotes were used in the application?

Generally yes, unless there is a good reason why this was not possible. If you would like to use a different supplier, send us a new quote and a message explaining the change before you spend any of your grant funds. 

If we are funding a role within your organisation and the person in that role changes, let us know. We will need a signed copy of the new person's employment agreement or a quote before we can transfer the grant funds.

How is payment made?

Approved grants will be paid by direct credit to your organisation’s nominated bank account.

At what point can we buy our items?

Legislation requires that NZCT doesn’t make a grant to reimburse money already spent by a grant applicant. That means you must wait until your grant application has been approved before paying for goods or services. You can’t get around this by asking a third party to pay the costs up front on the promise of reimbursement from grant funds at a later time. We will still consider the payment has been made and will not be eligible for grant funding.

If we find your grant has been used to pay for goods and services, including deposits on travel or accommodation bookings, bought before your grant was approved, we will ask for the funds to be returned to us.

Accounting for your grant
What do we need to do if our grant is approved?

NZCT has a legal obligation to check the grant funds we’ve distributed have been used for the purpose for which the funds were granted. We need all grant recipients to send us copies of appropriate documents that show us how and when their grant money was spent. We call this our ‘accountability’ documentation.

We would appreciate it if you would reconcile your accountability documentation before you send it to us. If there is a discrepancy between the amount charged and the amount paid, you’ll need to provide an explanation and documentation to support this.

Do we need to account for funds received?

All NZCT grants should be accounted for as soon as possible. If you do not account for your organisation’s grant, the organisation may not be able to apply and receive NZCT funds in the future. You may also be stopped from making applications to any other organisation. Under law you must fully account for your grant and return any unspent funds. Failure to do so may result in NZCT referring your organisation to the Department of Internal Affairs for investigation.

What is an ‘authorised purpose’?

‘Authorised purpose’ is the purpose, such as sports uniforms or a coach’s salary, which we’ve agreed to fund and the grant money must be used for only that purpose. If the money is spent on other things, we will ask for a refund. Your grant approval letter will detail the specific items we have agreed to fund. Ensure your grant is used to buy only these items.  

Can we amend the authorised purpose?

We’ll consider changing an agreed ‘authorised purpose’ only in exceptional circumstances. Send us a written request for such a change before you spend any of your grant money.

What are appropriate payment types?

All grant money must be spent by cheque, credit card or electronic transfer through your organisation’s bank account. We can’t accept receipts for cash payments. 

Any costs incurred or payments made before your grant was approved, including any payment made by a third party on behalf of your organisation, can’t be funded after the fact. We won’t accept any accountability documents that show retrospective dates. You’ll be asked to refund these grant funds.

What is appropriate documentation?

Tax invoices and bank statements are appropriate accountability documents, but quotes, receipts, pro forma invoices, ledger reports and Excel spreadsheets are not. When accounting for your grant, the following documentation is required. 

  • For goods or services (e.g. sports uniforms, accommodation, tradespeople and contractors), we need to see tax invoices and bank statements showing all or full payment(s) of the invoice you are claiming.
  • For salaries, we fund the gross amount as per the employment agreement submitted with your grant application. You’ll need to send us a signed declaration form (linked below) confirming that the funds were spent only on the purpose for which they were authorised. You should also keep on hand other documentation that confirms the salary spending in case we need it for audit purposes. This documentation includes an IRD Schedule (IR345 and IR348), and a bank statement showing all wages paid each month and the PAYE paid. If the wages are paid in a bulk amount, we may require copies of the batch list making up the bulk amount, so we can see the funded employee’s payment.

Download the declaration that salary grant funds have been used only for the authorised purpose

For cumulative grants of $100,000 or more in NZCT’s financial year, we will need confirmation from the recipient’s external auditor (a chartered accountant with a certificate of public practice) that funds were used only on the authorised purposes approved and that any amount unspent has been returned to NZCT. The threshold for this requirement was raised from $50,000 to $100,000 in the February 2017 review of our grants criteria.

If our grant is to pay a salary and the employee leaves, can we spend the grant money on the new employee’s salary?

Generally, yes. However, you must let us know about this change so we can approve it. Just send us written confirmation of the change of employee and a copy of the new signed employment agreement and we’ll confirm the change is okay from our end. You’ll need to supply details, such when the original employee finished and when the new one started in the role.

What accountability documentation do we have to provide if our grant is for contractors’ fees?

We will need to see a copy of the contractors’ invoices to the grant recipient. If the contractor or supplier is GST registered, which they must be if their annual turnover exceeds $60,000, we expect these invoices will contain, at a minimum:

  • the words ‘tax invoice’ in a prominent place
  • the name, address, phone number and GST number of the supplier (the contractor)
  • the name and address of the customer (the grant recipient)
  • the date of issue
  • a description of the goods and services and their volume (e.g. hours of labour, number of items), and the start and finish dates, if applicable
  • the GST-exclusive price, the amount of GST charged and the GST-inclusive price.

If the contractor or supplier isn’t GST registered, we need equivalent documentation as above, except including the word 'invoice' instead of 'tax invoice' and stating the non-GST price.

A supplier who is not registered for GST mustn’t charge GST. 

What about funding given to schools?

When a school receives funding from NZCT and they use an outside provider to pay their accounts (e.g. Education Services), we need copies of their bank statements showing they have on-paid the funds to the supplier.

Can we use suppliers who are not quoted in our application?

Generally yes, but you must contact us to advise of this change and the reason why it’s necessary before spending the grant funds. The items you want to buy must be the same as those specified in your grant application.

What do we do if the purchase price is less than the amount funded?

You must return the difference to us. Likewise, you must return any unspent funds. You can do this by depositing the excess funds into our bank account or by sending a cheque to NZCT, PO Box 10857, Wellington 6143. If you need our bank account details, call us on 0800 44 69 28, option 3.

Can we spend any remaining funds on other items?

Any unspent funds must be returned to NZCT. Your grant has been approved on the understanding that the funds will be spent only on the items detailed in your grant approval letter. If you want to buy other things, you’ll need to send us a new grant application for them.

When is a refund needed?

We will ask you for a refund if your grant funds have been spent on:

  • items that haven’t been specifically authorised (refer to your grant approval letter to see which items have been approved)
  • retrospective payments (i.e. your grant funds have been used to pay for goods or services that were bought before your grant was approved)
  • items that have been funded by another trust (we call this double dipping – where applicants apply to more than one trust for the same items)
  • items where the purchase price is less than the amount granted.
What is a retrospective payment?

A retrospective payment is where your grant funds have been used to pay for goods or services that were bought before your grant was approved. We don’t fund retrospectively. Any funds granted for items that have already been paid for will have to be refunded. 

Do I claim the GST-inclusive or GST-exclusive amount of my invoices?

If your organisation is GST registered, you can claim the GST-exclusive amount of the invoice. If your organisation is not GST registered, you should claim the GST-inclusive amount of the invoice.

Complaints and acknowledging our support
How do I make a complaint?

Complaints about the grants process or a particular application must be made in writing. They should be addressed to the Chief Executive, NZCT, PO Box 10857, The Terrace, Wellington 6143.  

We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within five working days and generally respond to your complaint within 20 working days.

How can I acknowledge NZCT's support?

We love hearing about the outcomes achieved as a result of our funding. If you would like to acknowledge our help, visit the How to say thanks for our support page of our website.

Class 4 gambling

Problem gambling
Is playing the pokies harmful?

‘Pokie-playing’ is a valid, legal and enjoyable source of entertainment as long as the games are played responsibly. Most pokie players, like Lotto players, do so to ‘have a little thrill’. They regard it as light entertainment, and the majority of players know when to stop. In research undertaken in 2011, BERL noted that pokie expenditure is directly related to disposable income. 

The problem gambling rate in New Zealand is 0.2% of the adult population, according to the National Gambling Survey, one of the lowest in the world.

Does removing gaming machines reduce the problem gambling rate?

No. Since the Gambling Act came into force in 2003, more than 10,000 gaming machines have been removed from New Zealand communities, but the problem gambling rate has remained static at an average of around 0.5% of the adult population over this time (currently 0.1%–0.2%, according to the most recent studies). This is among the lowest problem gambling rates in the world. Canada’s, for example, is 3%.

How does the class 4 gaming sector contribute to the government's gambling harm programme?

Each year the gambling industry pays around $20 million to the government in the form of a problem gambling levy, so the Ministry of Health can implement its Preventing and Minimising Gambling Harm Strategic Plan (PMGH). These funds pay for the implementation of public health services, intervention services, research, evaluation and workforce development.

Council gambling venue policies
What difference do councils' gambling venues policies make?

Council gambling venue policies are critical to maintaining the infrastructure that allows community funding from gaming trusts to be sustainable long term. Sinking lid and no-relocation policies destroy this infrastructure. Councils need to take a balanced approach to community benefit and potential harm from gambling.

Why are sinking lids on gaming machine numbers a bad idea?

A sinking lid is a blunt instrument that reduces community funding by removing the fundraising infrastructure (i.e. gaming machines within entertainment venues) over time and does nothing to reduce problem gambling, which is a complex addiction.

A cap on gaming machine numbers and an effective relocation policy that allows venues to move out of deprived areas into the CBD is much fairer to hospitality business owners, as well as helping to address problem gambling.

Community reliance on class 4 gaming funding
How reliant are community groups on class 4 gaming funds?

Seventy-five percent of Auckland groups surveyed in 2012 indicated their organisation is moderately or totally reliant on gaming funding to support their core business. Fifty-five percent said there would be a high to extreme risk to their organisation and their core business if they did not receive this funding. There is no evidence that this situation has changed for the better since then.

The reduction in gaming trust funding since 2003 has had a negative impact on community organisations, with many organisations and activities ceasing to operate and others severely reduced in capacity and capability. Grassroots community organisations are struggling with few alternative sources for funding available to replace the loss of gaming funding. Voluntary organisations are increasingly reliant on nationwide public donation campaigns to stay afloat. The Covid-19 pandemic has only worsened this situation.

How does class 4 gaming compare to racing in its funds to the community?

The pub gaming model differs from the gaming run at clubs like RSAs and in New Zealand Racing Board (now known as RITA) venues. Those entities can apply the funds they raise to their own purposes, for example, maintaining clubrooms or funding race meetings.

In its 2020 annual report, RITA advised its distributions totalled $152.3 million, only $2 million of which went to community sports organisations; the rest went to the racing industry. In contrast, class 4 societies like NZCT distribute all net proceeds to the community.

Harm prevention and minimisation

Strict controls
Do you have a harm prevention and minimisation policy?

Yes, NZCT and our venue operators have adopted a policy that aims to identify potential problem gamblers, take steps to prevent them from becoming actual problem gamblers, and stop problem gamblers from participating in gambling at NZCT venues.

How do venue staff record details about potential problem gamblers?

Any action taken by venue staff is documented on a gambling host responsibility record sheet. This helps us with training venue personnel, record-keeping and, if necessary, can help with court proceedings or review processes.

Help for problem gamblers
How do problem gamblers get help?

If you think you or someone close to you has a gambling problem, we encourage you to seek professional help. Several problem gambling organisations provide free help for those in need.  The Ministry of Health website provides a comprehensive list of providers.

Are problem gambling services effective?

Research has found that New Zealand's problem gambling services are making a positive difference to those negatively affected by problem gambling. 

In particular, findings from the inaugural baseline report on the Ministry of Health's Preventing and Minimising Gambling Harm Strategy showed problem gambling services are "effectively raising awareness" about the harm from gambling. The report also showed that interventions for gambling-related harm are "moderately accessible, highly responsive, and moderate to highly effective". 

Also, the world’s largest clinical trial for problem gambling treatment found that one year after calling the Gambling Helpline three-quarters of callers had quit or significantly reduced their gambling. 

Can problem gamblers be excluded from gaming rooms?

A self-excluding process is available with which a person can voluntarily remove the temptation to continue gambling by breaking the gambling cycle. It can also help the rehabilitation process for problem gamblers undergoing treatment.

If you believe you might have a gambling problem, you can talk directly to our trained venue staff about being excluded from that venue. The venue will then issue an exclusion order, as they are required to by law. The orders are venue-specific, so if you want to ban yourself from more than one venue, you need to request this from each venue you want to be excluded from. In some areas, problem gambling service providers will organise multi-venue exclusions for their clients.   

How does a problem gambler get excluded from a gaming room?

Venue staff might also suggest you self-exclude if they believe you are at risk of developing a gambling problem. When this occurs, you will, where possible, have the chance to talk to the venue manager in private. You will be advised that once an exclusion order is issued you will be legally excluded from the gaming area for the term of the order, which is up to two years. Once the exclusion order has been issued, this time cannot be shortened.

You need to supply a clear photograph of yourself or consent to having one taken to help venue staff identify you if you attempt to re-enter the premises in breach of the exclusion order. On completion, a copy of the order and an explanation of the terms will be given to you. A copy is also kept at the venue, and another copy is retained by NZCT's compliance and regulatory manager.

What are consequences for breaching an exclusion order?

If you breach the order, you are liable for a $500 fine.

If you don't want to self-exclude, the venue operator may initiate an exclusion order. If possible, you will be provided with a copy, and the same conditions and penalties apply as if you had requested the exclusion yourself.

Our venues are private property and, at any time, venue staff may ask any patron to leave the premises, or deny them access, and no reason needs to be given for this.

About us

Who we are
How long has NZCT been in existence?

Established in January 1998, NZCT is one of New Zealand's largest gaming trusts with 12% of market share. We are proud of the contribution we make to local communities, but we couldn't do what we do without the help of our hard-working gaming room operators.

Where are you based?

NZCT has offices in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch, as well as staff located in Taranaki, Hawke's Bay and Bay of Plenty.

How does NZCT make a difference in Kiwi communities?

Kiwis love their sport, and NZCT loves helping them enjoy and participate in their sporting passions. 

Every year, we give millions of dollars in grants to thousands of applicants from a huge range of sporting groups - from rugby and netball to kayaking and lawn bowls. We are proud to be the largest funder of amateur sports participation in New Zealand. 

While sport is our primary focus, we also provide funds for charitable purposes, such as rescue and life-saving services, education, health, the arts, and cultural and community groups.

Our funds come from NZCT operators up and down the country who run our gaming machines in their hotels, bars and other venues.

What's your authorised purpose?

Our operator's licence granted by the Department of Internal Affairs states the following.

"Pursuant to section 56 of the Gambling Act 2003 (the Act), the Secretary for Internal Affairs (the Secretary) hereby grants a class 4 operator's licence to:

New Zealand Community Trust (the corporate society)

authorising it to conduct class 4 gambling by way of gaming machines for the sole objective of distributing the net proceeds from gambling to the following authorised purpose(s):






How do you maintain standards?

NZCT is committed to achieving quality through all its operations. We believe this leads to increased productivity, excellent service and assurance for our stakeholders. Our Quality Management System, which is supported by both management and staff, ensures quality remains a core focus for our organisation.

In 2006 NZCT was the first charitable gaming society in Australasia to become accredited with the international quality standard, AS/NZS ISO 9001:2008, and we are committed to retaining this certification.

How do you make sure you comply with New Zealand's comprehensive gambling laws?

Our compliance framework has four pillars which provide NZCT and its stakeholders with assurance. These are: our statutory external audits; our Board’s internal Audit and Risk Committee; our Risk Management Committee; and effective management reporting to these committees and the Board. Whether it’s retaining our AS/NZ ISO 9001:2008 accreditation or introducing specialised compliance software, everything we do is designed to improve efficiencies, minimise risk for our operators and ensure NZCT has a sustainable future. Operating with high principles and moral standards is important to NZCT as you will see when you read our Statement on Ethics and Fraud.

Our community funding
How much money do you distribute every year?

During our 2023/24 financial year, NZCT generated $38.256 million for the benefit of Kiwi communities and distributed $39.879 million through 1,914 grants for a wide range of community good including community sport, rescue services, youth development, arts, and culture.

We'd like to thank the publicans who work with us, because without them we couldn't have achieved this result.

Where do NZCT funds go?

NZCT plays a significant role within the New Zealand amateur sporting community. Around 75 per cent of the funds we distribute go towards amateur sport.

While sport is our focus, we are also a strong supporter of other worthy community activities, including local government projects, health care organisations, arts, and essential rescue services like Life Flight Trust and Coastguard New Zealand.

Why sport?

NZCT is one of the largest funders of amateur sport in New Zealand. We focus on sport because of the many positive benefits it offers communities, such as:

  • crime reduction and community safety
  • economic impact and regeneration of local communities
  • education and lifelong learning
  • participation
  • physical fitness and health
  • psychological health and wellbeing
  • social capital and cohesion.

According to Sport New Zealand's Community Sports Strategy 2010-2015, social sports provide significant benefits for children and young people, including improving social connectedness, educational attainment, health and wellbeing, and personal and social development.

Overseas research (Sport England's Value of Sport Monitor) has also found that participation in sport can lead to increased health and productivity for individuals, and increased wealth or wellbeing of society as a whole. 

Who helps you make decisions about grants?

NZCT pioneered the development of Regional Advisory Committees whose members advise us on the distribution of gaming funds in their communities. These committees are made up of highly respected leaders who add local insight and knowledge to our grants decision-making.

Gambling harm prevention and minimisation
What controls are required to prevent and minimise gambling harm in our venues?

A complex range of regulatory requirements are in place to support Parliament's objective to prevent and minimise the harm that can be caused by excessive use of pokie machines. Harm prevention and minimisation measures that gaming societies, their venue managers and venue staff are required to meet include:

  • limiting stakes and prize money
  • displaying odds of winning
  • restricting gaming rooms to people over the age of 18 years
  • interrupting play every 30 minutes with an update on how long the player has been at the machine, how much money they’ve spent and their net wins and losses
  • not accepting $50 and $100 notes
  • not allowing ATMs in gambling areas
  • prohibiting pokie advertising
  • electronic monitoring of every gaming machine’s takings
  • prohibiting syndicated play.

All venues must:

  • have staff trained in gambling harm prevention and minimisation on duty at all times gaming machines are operating
  • have a gambling harm prevention and minimisation policy in place
  • display pamphlets and signs directing gamblers to help services
  • have staff who understand how to issue and enforce exclusion orders
  • have staff who can help problem gamblers if they have an ongoing concern about them.
What else does NZCT do to prevent and minimise gambling harm?

As a corporate society licensed to conduct class 4 gambling, NZCT is fully aware of its obligations under the Gambling Act 2003 to prevent and minimise the harm caused by gambling, including problem gambling. NZCT takes these obligations very seriously.

To prevent and reduce the harm caused by excessive gambling, NZCT:

  • pays a problem gambling levy to the Ministry of Health of around $1 million a year - these funds contribute towards the ministry's Preventing and Minimising Gambling Harm Strategic Plan, which includes public health services (for example, the Health Promotion Agency advertising campaigns), intervention services, research, evaluation and workforce development
  • gives all our gaming venues a comprehensive harm minimisation pack that includes our harm prevention and minimisation policy and manual, exclusion orders, a pad of gambling host responsibility record sheets, and other resources
  • supplies all our venues with the Health Promotion Agency's resources (posters, wallet cards, prompt cards, etc.)
  • trains all gaming venue staff (around 500 every year) to recognise and help problem gamblers
  • employs technology to support its harm prevention and minimisation strategy, for example, online training of venue staff and facial recognition in some venues.
Health and safety, and privacy
What about health and safety?

NZCT takes the health and safety of its employees, venue staff and contractors very seriously. We train our venue staff in how to handle an armed robbery and we have processes in place to ensure the health and safety of contractors carrying out work in our venues and business premises.

How do you ensure the health and safety of your contractors?

We require all our contractors to sign an acknowledgement that they will meet our expectations for their own and our people's health and safety when they do work for us on site.

What's your privacy statement?

New Zealand Community Trust (NZCT) is committed to ensuring the protection of personal information and its responsible use.

The Privacy Act 1993 regulates how we collect, use, hold, disclose, manage and dispose of personal information.

In order to carry out our work in raising and distributing funds to the community, we may collect personal information from you, such as:

  • your name
  • contact information
  • interactions with us
  • date of birth
  • other information required for us to perform specific functions e.g. a clear photographic image for identification purposes
  • information about your computer and about your visits to and use of this website (including your IP address, geographical location, browser type, referral source, length of visit and number of page views).

We collect your personal information for the purposes of:

  • processing applications for grant funding in compliance with the law
  • maintaining a record of all key persons associated with our venue operations and notifying our regulating agency (Department of Internal Affairs) of those key persons, in compliance with our obligations under the Gambling Act 2003
  • issuing, monitoring and enforcing exclusion orders in compliance with the Gambling Act 2003
  • website analytics.

Besides our staff, we may share this information with:

  • the Department of Internal Affairs either routinely, such as for the purposes of applying for venue licences, or in compliance with a specific request made by the Department under its power to require information or documents
  • the Department of Internal Affairs or other regulatory agency, if we have concerns about a possible breach of the Gambling Act or we suspect fraudulent or criminal behaviour
  • any third party contracted from time to time to supply or maintain our data in an electronic system held by NZCT or the third party. Where information is held or maintained by a third party, that party will be contractually obliged to comply with NZCT’s policies around privacy and data security.

If you choose not to provide certain identifying information, such as a clear photographic image, our venue staff will not be obliged to issue an exclusion order, even if you request one.

If you choose not to disclose sufficient personal information to enable our grant staff to undertake full probity, we may not be able to process your organisation’s grant application.

If you choose not to provide information required for the purposes of compliance with the regulator's requirements, such as completion of a Personal Information Form, this will delay any application for a new or amended venue licence, which may prevent the relevant venue from commencing or continuing its operations.  

You have the right to ask for a copy of any personal information we hold about you, and to ask for it to be corrected if you think it is wrong. If you’d like to ask for a copy of your information, or to have it corrected, please contact us at [email protected], or 0800 44 69 28, or PO Box 10857, Wellington 6143.

Information will be retained only for the purposes for which it was provided. NZCT is obliged to keep certain records pertaining to the conduct of its class 4 gaming and grant funding, including supplier arrangements, for a minimum of 7 years. Paper-based or electronic data pertaining to exclusion orders will be disposed of or removed from systems when no longer required for the purpose for which that information was provided.